IQVIA’s sharp analysis reveals market developments across Eurasian countries in 2024

We present an insightful analytical report by IQVIA, a partner of the Eurasian Pharmaceutical Summit 2024. This comprehensive material delves into the development of pharmaceutical markets in the Eurasia region, highlighting key trends and innovations in the healthcare sector. 

Key trends:

  • Retail Dominance: Retail segment sales lead the markets in Eurasian countries.
  • Rx Product Sales: Prescription (Rx) products account for 60-70% of sales.
  • Kazakhstan: Both prescription and over-the-counter segments are growing in monetary terms. Most TOP10 brands are sold only in the state segment, with only one local brand in the TOP10.
  • Uzbekistan: Significant monetary growth in the pharmaceutical market, but sales in packages have declined over the past two years.
  • Armenia and Azerbaijan: Pharmaceutical markets are growing in both monetary terms and package sales compared to last year.
  • Georgia: Sales volumes in both monetary terms and packages remain comparable to last year’s levels.
  • Kyrgyzstan and Moldova: Growth in the pharmaceutical market is driven by positive dynamics in the retail segment.
  • Mongolia: Positive growth in both monetary terms and package sales compared to last year.

The analytical material includes data and infographics that will help you understand the dynamics of pharmaceutical markets in Eurasia countries and make informed decisions for business development. 

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